IEEE Smart Village (ISV) Student Paper Competition 2024

Topic: Towards Ensuring Energy Security in Africa


As an aspiring electrical engineer eager to contribute to Africa’s energy landscape, What does Energy Security mean to you and why do you think it is important?

The 11th IEEE PES & IAS PowerAfrica Conference (PAC 2024) invites you to submit a full paper sharing your narrative on the quest for energy security in Africa. Embracing the theme “Towards Ensuring Energy Security in Africa,” we welcome papers that delve into diverse perspectives, whether technical, socio-economic, or policy oriented. Share your insights on renewable energy deployment, smart grid innovations, energy access initiatives, or the intersection of technology and community development. From case studies to theoretical frameworks, to stories that touch on these technical subjects, we encourage submissions that offer fresh insights, challenge existing paradigms, and ignite dialogue. Your paper has the power to shape the discourse and drive actionable solutions for a sustainable energy future in Africa. Join us in amplifying the voices of innovation and progress. Submit your full paper and be a catalyst for change!


Call for submissions (Open)June 8, 2024
Submission deadline (firm)July 30, 2024
Author notificationsAugust 30, 2024
Award ceremonyDuring PAC 2024 (look for the date on the conference program)


We seek papers that tell your story of energy security in a way that is accessible to those without the expertise required to comprehend the specialized technical literature. We expect you to write at a level that reflects the level of your education—papers from postgraduate students will have more technical content than those from high school students. In other words, at the very least, the content of your papers should be easily accessible to your peers.

The winners of the PAC 2023 undergraduate and postgraduate competition have kindly allowed us to share their papers to help you see the type of entry we seek. Please do not think of this as a template.
To further help you understand that complex ideas can be expressed in straightforward language, we include copies of the papers describing the transistor (Bardeen & Brattain) and the DNA Helix (Watson and Crick)—all of whom won the Nobel Prize for their discoveries.

Finally, we share a paper, Storytelling —The Missing Art in Engineering Presentations (Anderson). Although this focusses on presentations, the ideas are also applicable to written papers.


You can prepare your paper in Microsoft Word or LaTeX format. All submissions must follow the IEEE conference template which can be accessed at


  • Category A: Postgraduate students
  • Category B: Undergraduate students
  • Category C: High school students


All authors must be currently registered at an institution of learning at the time of submitting the paper.


  • Individual paper
  • Group paper with a maximum of two authors


  • Undergraduate & Postgraduate: Length of paper 5 – 8 pages (double-column according to IEEE template)


  • High School Students: 3 – 5 pages (double-column according to IEEE template)


Kindly submit your paper through EasyChair – ISV PAC 2024 Student Paper Contest using this link. We have prepared a document that helps you navigate EasyChair for the first time, find it here >>>  

NOTE: Plagiarism of any kind is not permitted in the IEEE Smart Village (ISV) Student Paper Competition. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines plagiarism as “the act of presenting the words, ideas, or work of another as one’s own” (APA, 2021). Hence, make sure that your writing is your own original and that you reference any work derived from other people. The maximum allowed similarity index is 20%.

Prior to uploading your papers, contestants should evaluate their own submissions using the rubric below (partially derived from the Rotary Club’s 4-way test (

  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?


The following prizes/awards shall be given to the winners and their host institutions:

A. Postgraduate Category

First PlaceStudent award: $500 + PlaqueHost institution award: Plaque
Second PlaceStudent award: $300 + PlaqueHost institution award: Plaque
Third PlaceStudent award: $200 + PlaqueHost institution award: Plaque

B. Undergraduate Category

First PlaceStudent award: $300 + PlaqueHost institution award: Plaque
Second PlaceStudent award: $200 + PlaqueHost institution award: Plaque
Third PlaceStudent award: $100 + PlaqueHost institution award: Plaque

C. High School Category

First PlaceStudent award: $225 + PlaqueHost institution award: Plaque
Second PlaceStudent award: $200 + PlaqueHost institution award: Plaque
Third PlaceStudent award: $175 + PlaqueHost institution award: Plaque


  • Plaques shall be presented to the winners and their institutions during the conference
  • Winners are expected to start ISV-SBs at their institutions of learning where such do not exist
  • Three winners from each category will present their paper in person or virtually during PAC 2024
  • First-placed contestants from the undergraduate and postgraduate categories will receive travel grants to Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Papers from students placed first and second in each category will be published in the appropriate IEEE magazine

For further enquiries please contact: