Award recipients should note that they will have to register for the conference registration fees themselves. As an awardee, you will be provided the ISV registration code which will give you access to ISV’s special reduced registration fee.
At the IEEE Power Africa Conference, you will meet with members of the Smart Village Leadership that can guide you to become a Smart Village Energy Entrepreneur. At the Workshop you will network with a new generation of Smart Village Entrepreneurs that are building and operating successful and sustainable micro-utility businesses across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the rest of the world. You get an opportunity to be mentored by the old ISV friends, get insights into latest sustainable business practices.
This is a highly competitive opportunity. Only a few candidates will be awarded solely determined by Smart Village based on the merits of the application and perceived need. Smart Village support will provide the following:
- Accommodation during the Conference.
- Reimbursement of workshop fees for attendance to ISV tutorials.
- Financial aid towards transportation.
- Chance to take part in the “Meet the Entrepreneur” competition.
- Avenue to present your potential project proposal for funding consideration.
Award recipients should note that they will have to pay their conference registration fees. Scholarship support will be awarded to the winners on a reimbursement basis, according to IEEE policy, after the conference upon submission of expense reports with documented receipts.