Tutorial 4 - Energy Storage Technologies, Photovoltaic Technologies, Smart Construction

Part 1: Introduction to Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies

Prof. Mouad Dahbi, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco


Welcome to this tutorial on Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies, designed for students and researchers interested in understanding the fundamental principles and recent advancements in the energy storage field.

Basic Electrochemistry

In this section, we will lay the foundation by exploring the fundamental concepts of electrochemistry. You will learn about electron transfer during chemical reactions and its role in generating electricity.

Electrochemical Reactions

Delve deeper into electrochemical reactions and their significance. Discover how these reactions are harnessed for various applications, including sensing, electrolysis, and energy storage.

Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI)

Dive into the critical topic of the Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI). Understand its role in battery performance and how it can be optimized for better energy storage solutions.

Introduction to Lithium- and Sodium-Ion Batteries

Get acquainted with the core of electrical energy storage—rechargeable batteries. Understand the principles behind lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries, their applications, and the challenges they face.

Electrochemical Techniques in Battery and Supercapacitors

Explore the techniques used in the design and evaluation of batteries and supercapacitors. Learn about synthesis methods, surface modification, electrode architecture, and cell configurations that can enhance their performance.

Recent Advances on Electrochemical Energy Storage

Stay up to date with the latest developments in the field. We’ll cover emerging technologies and breakthroughs that address issues like cost, safety, cycle life, energy density, and power density.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of electrochemical energy storage technologies, their applications, and the challenges they face. You’ll also be informed about recent advancements that are shaping the future of electrochemical energy storage technologies.

Mouad Dahbi, is an Associate Professor in Materials Science, Energy and Nanoengineering (MSN) Department at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University since September 2017. Received Maitrise degree (2007) in chemical engineering from Tangier Faculty Science and Technique, Morocco. Graduated top of the class from Lille 1 University Science and Technology in 2009. He earned Ph.D. (January 2013) in Chemistry and Electrochemistry from the University François Rabelais, France where his doctoral work was focused on the high-power asymmetric lithium-ion capacitor in nonaqueous electrolytes. He was then a postdoctoral researcher at Tokyo University of Science. In 2015, Dahbi was promoted to Assistant Professor at Tokyo University of Science and a Project Assistant Professor at Kyoto University, Japan. His work was focused on developing materials for negative electrodes and electrolytes for lithium-, sodium- and potassium-ion batteries, synthesis and characterisation of materials and electrochemical evaluation of synthesized materials with due correlation. His current research focuses on developing high-energy density electrode materials system for efficient energy storage technology and low-cost batteries based on the abundant elements in Earth’s Crust. Professor Dahbi has authored/co-authored over 80 Peer Reviewed Articles. He is also an external expert in French National Research Agency (ANR), RSIF PhD scholarship expert reviewer (PASET), and peer reviewer of many journals: Electrochemistry Communications (ELSEVIER), Advanced Energy Materials (WILEY-VCH Verlag), ACS Applied Material Interface (American Chemical Society), Chemistry Letters (Chemical Society of Japan), Journal of Materials Chemistry A (Royal Society of Chemistry).