John P. Nelson

John Nelson performed his undergraduate studies at University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana).  While working for Public Service Company of Colorado, he performed his graduate studies at the University of Colorado (Boulder).  He was fortunate to study under Professor Ed Whitehead who was world famous for his lightning research.  After spending ten years as an electrical engineer for Public Service Company of Colorado, he became a consulting electrical power engineer for which he has done for the last 42 years.

In 1984, Mr. Nelson founded NEI Electric Power Engineering and continues to provide electric power consulting services on an international basis for NEI.  John has been active in IEEE since 1974 and is presently President of IEEE Smart Village  John is also presently the Process Industries Department Chair for the Industry Applications Society.  Mr. Nelson current resides in Evergreen, Colorado, is married and has three children and eight grandchildren.  He is an avid swimmer having completed 4500 km in December 2021.  He reached the level of Master Scuba Diver Instructor.